Persona Labs has powerful, proprietary algorithms. We want to put them to good use to help people.
Help them understand themselves to make better career choices, and help employers look past the resume in considering talent potential.
Keeping the “human” in Human Resources is what you get from a diverse team of psychometricians, game designers, UX specialists, data scientists, organizational effectiveness practitioners, programmers, filmmakers, foodies, and fly fishermen.
In a world where crunching data to optimize everything has become the new normal, we believe data will make us or break us. Big Data is already heavily mined for “programmatic” insights in consumer behavior. Google has us mapped. Your life insurer can learn more from your digital footprint than from your blood test!
Our mantra when bringing predictive analytics to talent development is to deliver as much value back to users as to the companies that deploy it. So, we add gameplay to make assessments more engaging experiences, yielding more and better insights.
Armed with data measuring an employee's capabilities and motivators, managers can build teams that fit, and create effective development plans that target their greatest potential and motivation to grow.
Join us in leveraging data-driven insights to improve the nature of work, business, and the human condition.